
6 Stories

Ryan slowly opened one eye and then the other. His head was somewhat fuzzy. Darkness all around him. A shiver ran down his body. He was

By Lynne

Holding Lori's hand, Nat pulled her into the empty hotel elevator, pushing the button for the sixth floor. Smiling up at him, Lori slipped

By Lynne

The waiting room was empty when Arleen walked in. She woke up with what she believed to be a terrible kidney infection and she wanted

By Lynne

"I've found it!" Jay shouted. Everyone gathered behind him and peered into the dark hole that had been hidden in the dense underbrush. He

By Lynne

Ginger smacked at the alarm clock and groaned. She rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom. The hot shower water helped to get her

By Lynne

A cold wind blew around the darkened cabin, the only light coming from the small fire. Max was able to get lit in the fireplace. Stella was

By Lynne

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